Natural State Turf, Inc. can evaluate your facility at no charge and offer a thorough and comprehensive "Synthetic Turf Solution" custom to meet every need and any budget.
We can help with both residential and course turf.
Sports Field Safety
According to the CDC, certain sports have higher rates of contracting MRSA and Staph Infection than do other sports.
Turf Management
The proper maintenance of your Synthetic Turf surface will keep your field looking and playing at its best beyond its normal years.
Get In Touch
Natural State Turf, Inc.
179 Hwy 365 South
Conway, AR 72032
Representative 501-505-6940
© Natural State Turf. All rights reserved. Site design by Automatic.so
Turf Management
The proper maintenance of your Synthetic Turf surface will keep your field looking and playing at its best beyond its normal years.Natural State Turf (NST) field maintenance programs are geared towards making Synthetic Turf surfaces perform at their optimal level for years beyond their lifespan. Our program is comprised of a thorough field inspection and regular maintenance done only by NST experienced staff.
NST staff will visit your facility for regularly scheduled maintenance which consists of:Inspection of the field to assess the condition of turf, infill and identify any problem areas.
De-compacting of the infill to help assure safe playability and to improve G-MAX performance.
Grooming of the entire field, using NST approved equipment, to perform extensive fiber brushing. This process is designed to uncover buried fibers and restore a uniform infill depth over the entire playing surface.
Sanitization of approved antimicrobial disinfectant.
Cleaning and Removal of all unwanted materials, foreign objects (ferrous materials) that can cause unsafe conditions and debris from the field area.
A Comprehensive Inspection of all Areas of the Surface, Including:
Fiber Fibrillation Analysis Infill - Consistency in Depth
Seam Analysis Infill - Migration Analysis
Perimeter Anchoring Glued Inlay Analysis
Excessive Wear Analysis Base Stability Analysis
UV Fade Inspection Painted Markings Inspection.
Other services offered by our maintenance professionals include:
Field Sanitization
Seam Repairs
Sponsorship Logo Panels (Insertion, Removal, or Repair)
GMAX Testing
Ceremony and Dedication Event Coordination
Sports Field Safety
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) and Staphylococcus Bacteria (Staph) Infection
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Atlanta, GA, certain sports have higher rates of contracting Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) and Staphylococcus Bacteria (Staph) Infection than do other sports.Only one (1) of the Five (5) C’s is needed for any surface (not just synthetic surfaces but any surface, gym floors, counter tops, tile floors, etc.) to become infected with (MRSA) or (Staph) Infection. While playing sports on synthetic turf, several or all Five (5) C’s are present, and dramatically increase the odds of acquiring (MRSA) or (Staph) Infections.The Center for Disease Control cites the Five (5) C’s for easy transmission of (MRSA) and (Staph) Infections are:
1. Crowding - Artificial turf fields are now in use year-round. In addition to their regular use by high school athletic teams, synthetic turf fields are also used by children and adults, from junior leagues to adult leagues. Further, the soccer team that used to have their own field now may share a field with the football team. At any given time, a field could be used by football, soccer and lacrosse teams as well.On Saturdays, it might be used by Pop Warner or CAPWL football teams and different soccer leagues. If any free empty time exists on the field’s use schedule, it might be used by recreational teams. As you can see, overcrowding of artificial turf fields quickly becomes a major issue.2. Contact - Every sport that is played on artificial turf involves some form of contact. Unfortunately, the more contact that takes place, the higher the degree of abrasions and cuts, and the more vulnerable the athlete becomes to infection.3. Compromised Skin - Athletes can wear all the protective gear in the world, but they are still going to sustain cuts or abrasions. Turf burn is a very common injury resulting in skin damage. The damaged skin is vulnerable to infection when it comes in contact with the turf.4. Contaminated Surfaces - Bodily fluids from blood, mucus, saliva and sweat are very common on playing field surfaces. When multiple bodies use a given space, the surface absorbs these bodily fluids and their contaminants.5. Cleanliness - As mentioned above, many different foreign bodies come into contact with artificial turf. Natural grass has a big advantage over indoor fields, as it requires water to live. As a result, outdoor grass stays clean due to constant watering and frequent mowing.Many sports facilities, turf managers, and athletic directors are unaware of the dangers that synthetic turf poses. Around the country, facilities have been using one (1) of two (2) methods to sterilize synthetic turf. The first is to let the sun kill the harmful microorganisms (however the ozone layer prevents this from being a real solution,) and the second method is to spray the fields with environmentally negative harsh chemicals.Natural State Turf set about to find the most effective solution possible for sterilizing synthetic turf in order to protect athletes from exposure to harmful microorganisms. In response to all of this, Natural State Turf has partnered up and enlisted the help of a local comapny in Little Rock, Arkansas to manufacture a viable solution for keeping sports facilities as microbe-free as possible without the use of environmentally negative harsh chemicals.
Natural State Turf, Inc. can evaluate your facility at no charge and offer a thorough and comprehensive "Synthetic Turf Solution" custom to meet every need and any budget.
Our Free On Site Evaluation Reviews:
Safety Issues
Soil and Turf Evaluation
Drainage and Storm Water Issues
Facility Checklists
Cost Estimates
Proper Turf Solution
Proper Fund Raising Strategy
Our Consultation Services Include:
Cost estimates
Fund Raising
Project Management
Pre / Post-game Safety Checklists
Field Use Scheduling
Annual Field Maintenance Services